Thursday, August 18, 2011


Leo Tolstoy wrote a short story called “The Three Questions” – a story about rescuing an enemy and the profound connection with another human being. Jon J. Muth wrote a children’s story from Tolstoy’s story about a young boy rescuing a panda bear who was lost in the forest. After searching for the old turtle for answers to his life’s questions, young Nikolai learns from the wise turtle the answers, “Remember then that there is only one important time, and that time is now. The most important one is always the one you are with. And the most important thing is to do good for the one who is standing at your side. For these, my dear boy, are the answers to what is most important in this world.” Each morning, in my prayers, I ask the Lord to show me who the “panda bears” in my life are so I can be “here and now” with them.


Kristin Wilson said...

Karen, You are a remarkable woman! I'm grateful to have you in my life and I love you!!

Kate said...

I love this. I love that quote.
See, no talking on your cell phone when your with me is a good thing, everyone! :) I love the idea of making the person you're with the most important person at that moment. Living in the now... that is something I needed to hear today.
